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Friday, December 16, 2011

I'm back. Yay!!

I haven't posted here scince april so I have to get back into it. Currently sitting at home doing nothing. Have been for quite some time.

Anyway, the purpose of this post was to tell you about magic cards. Magic cards are a fantasy card game, in which you have to reduce your opponents life to zero. The rules you need to know are in the following link
In fact the reason why I haven't been blogging, is because I was on a forum about magic cards.
Anyway, just play them. Go.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fabric of the Cosmos

Hello. I'm going back to what my blog is supposed to be: a booky blog.
Fabric of the Cosmos is  a mind boggling science book. Your head hurts after reading it. I'm currently flicking through the quantum teleportation.


PS we're moving house next week