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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mr Brainfright's important lesson no.12

You must read the schooling around series. It's a series about North-West South-East Central School. It's also about Mr Brainfright falling out of windows and ... bananas? It also has robot fighting robots, robot fighting robot replicas and a human robot. There is some buried tresure involved and a really annoying pencil. The thing that all the books have in common is Mr Brainfright falling out of windows. If you're totally confused then to stop being confused read the series.

Your pal Eddie Nedwards

Friday, September 10, 2010

Hospital is NOT good. Actually it's VERY bad.

I was in hospital from Sunday to yesterday. I had this weird sickness called rhabdomyolysis. It means my musles break down. From Sunday to Tuesday I coudn't even move my legs. After Tuesday I mainly watched TV and read. It is SO good to be home. I still have to do annoying stuff though. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA