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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Merry 6th of December (or 5th depending on where you are reading this)

Merry day which is not quite christmas, but is when but is very close to christmas and when all everyone is thinking about is "only the 6th of December?!!!!!!!!!!".

I took up heaps of space there
Eddie Nedwards, who is typing from his mum's computer, which is on a table, which is in a room, which is part of a house.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Hi. I have been lazing around, watching the ashes, playing on the computer and reading 101 thing you wish you invented and some you wish no one had. It's about inventions and has 1 activity for each. I have only done about 5. It is a book to flick through, not to read from cover to cover.

I'm sorry about not blogging since September.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mr Brainfright's important lesson no.12

You must read the schooling around series. It's a series about North-West South-East Central School. It's also about Mr Brainfright falling out of windows and ... bananas? It also has robot fighting robots, robot fighting robot replicas and a human robot. There is some buried tresure involved and a really annoying pencil. The thing that all the books have in common is Mr Brainfright falling out of windows. If you're totally confused then to stop being confused read the series.

Your pal Eddie Nedwards

Friday, September 10, 2010

Hospital is NOT good. Actually it's VERY bad.

I was in hospital from Sunday to yesterday. I had this weird sickness called rhabdomyolysis. It means my musles break down. From Sunday to Tuesday I coudn't even move my legs. After Tuesday I mainly watched TV and read. It is SO good to be home. I still have to do annoying stuff though. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Dilbert is awsome.

I'm in Cairns

I'm in Cairns, staying with reletives. We've done all the tourist stuff (well almost all) and are going home tomorrow

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010

Cool mythbusters myth last night

Well the myth was that if all the safety features of a water heater were disabled the water heater would go 500 feet in the air. They used a smaller one and it just released a large amount of superheated smoke. Then they used a bigger one and it went up in the air and came down 40 seconds later. Then they put a roff over it and the roof changed to 1000000 small pieces of building (don't worry they built it themselves)

Mythbusters is on SBS at 7:30

Friday, May 7, 2010

Microsoft PowerPoint

PowerPoint is so cool!!!. I have done some animation on it

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Rage against Umbridge

Umbridge in Harry Potter  is terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Dora the Explorer

I reckon Dora the Explorer has no problem. I mean Dora the Explorer and the Search for the missing slipper. I've got A pear of missing sandals and I'm not trekking though wherever to find them, I'm blogging. A missing slipper or any other small inconvenience shouldn't be the subject of a book or whatever.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Google coolmathgames and click on the first link. It's really good.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


YAY!! Brisbane are top of the ladder. Although they will not be for longer.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Footy (AFL)

I support Brisbane. They did well in their first two games didn't they. I strongly don't suport Collingwood or West coast.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lord of the Rings

It's cool! The 1st one is a bit boring though. I reccomend the series (The second one is much more exiting.)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Soccer manager

I've got a new computer game called soccer manager. It's the best. Really good and it's only 2007.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Keys to the kingdom

These books are great. I strongly reccomend them. Very complecated though. The most dangerous thing is Nothing and everything happens in the House. The words that destroy everything are "let the will be done" and the will is a good guy. Read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Mister Monday

Mister Monday is the first book in the keys to the kingdom seires, which is a seires of seven. Auther Penhailigon is a normal boy, who has asthma. When running he almost dies of athsma but is saved by a key shaped like a minite hand, given to him by a mystirious stranger called mister monday. He is also given a strange notebook. Arthur finds a strange House which nobody else can see. The first part of the will of the achetect who created everythng is found and Authur treies to destroy the evil Mister Monday who is trying to make sure the will is never carried out